Succeed in Life and Business

Richard Butler is a life and business coach based in Barcelona.

Communicating with visual people

Richard Butler

Nov 22 2016

Over the last number of podcasts we have looked at communication and the important of ensuring you are a good storyteller, you use the right body language, but what about making sure you speak the language of the other person?

I am not talking about speaking their mother toungue but I am talking about speaking to them in the way that you will gain a deeper level of communication and trust with them

This can be done by knowing what submodality they like to communicate in - it's a basic element of NLP - find out more in this weeks podcast and by downloading my free ebook at

A life coach based in Barcelona who aims to help you focus first, get your mindset in order and achieve your dreams. And all in less than 15 minutes per podcast! About Richard Butler

Richard Butler is a life and business coach based in Barcelona.

His aim in life is to help people achieve success in business, while maintaining the balance in life

I run two self help websites:

Click here to see the full author's profile

Recent Episodes

Time to think
Using SMART goal setting
Pitfalls in goal setting
Vision boards
Visualisation - Why it is important
Auditory people - how to communicate with them
Kinesthetic people and how to communicate with them
Communicating with visual people
Body Language Part 2
Body Language Part 1