Succeed in Life and Business
Richard Butler is a life and business coach based in Barcelona.
Being a better conversationalist
Richard Butler
Oct 18 2016
Having a conversation with someone is a really important skill. After all it is how we communicate, socialise and make new friends.
If you feel you could improve on your conversation skills or you would like some tips then this podcast is perfect for you.
From what to do right through to what not to do I cover all the important tips
Richard Butler is a life and business coach based in Barcelona.
His aim in life is to help people achieve success in business, while maintaining the balance in life
I run two self help websites:
Recent Episodes
Time to thinkUsing SMART goal setting
Pitfalls in goal setting
Vision boards
Visualisation - Why it is important
Auditory people - how to communicate with them
Kinesthetic people and how to communicate with them
Communicating with visual people
Body Language Part 2
Body Language Part 1